Monday Morning Motivation: Three Things I Wish I’d Believed Earlier in Life

Who would have thought that I would be inspired by pretty boy Ashton Kutcher? Ok, there was that time after I saw him in Butterfly Effect that I became obsessed with the Chaos theory, but other than that I’ve never really listened much to what he’s had to say – until now! I stumbled upon his Teen Choice Awards speech while on a routine fb scroll and it was the best spent 4 minutes of my week, and quite possibly my year. Three simple things that everyone should be living by:

 1 – “Opportunity looks a lot like hard work.”

2 – “The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart.”

3 – “Everything around us that we call life was made up by people no smarter than you.”

 True that!

The whole speech is solid and definitely worth watching if you need a little motivation, see the video below. Plus Ashton Kutcher is practically my age and still winning Teen Choice Awards, so he’s cool enough to keep the cringe factor to a minimum.