Old Fashioned Girl

Monday May 4 Day 6

I hit snooze a few times on the alarm, when I finally get up there are still no messages from Roomie. Before we decide on a plan of action my phone chirps and it’s her. With all well in the world, Bestie and I head out for some gift shopping. I’ve been dying to see Shibuya by day, so that’s where we go to first.

After enjoying crepes at a café and a quick stop into Vivienne Westwood, we abort mission and leave this hood. Home to the busiest intersection in the world, it’s just not my scene today.

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Since it’s souvenirs we need, and Asakusa has had the best selection so far, we get back on the subway and head that way.

At this point I’m going to take a moment to discuss the toilet situation in Japan. Hands down they are by far the most high tech toilets I have ever experienced. The seats are heated, there are options for sounds and music, even the bidet has options. No matter how many bells and whistles, nothing is taking my mind off the fact that in the stall right next door, someone is squatting over a hole in the floor. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I’m of the camp that feels you cannot pimp out your toilets when you still have squatters.

Back in Asakusa, it feels nice to have the day free. Bestie and I maintain a slower pace to take in the details we missed on our first visit, Day 3. I am thrilled to find a Monchichi shop, by far my favourite childhood toy. I pick one up for myself, outfitted in a Kimono and impossible to resist. Pleased with our purchases, we wander the backstreets and catch our last few glimpses of this place, before returning to the hotel.

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A day would not be complete without getting lost at least once, and we arrive back a lot later than planned. Opting for noodles again at the Chinese food place next door, we stay in the rest of the night.

Packed for the morning to fly to Busan, I’m in bed before midnight for the first time this trip, the alarm set for 5 am.

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